One Hundred Faceless Women
I was born in Korea, came to us 1964. My work draws inspiration from having
roots in both Countries, practicing professional artist while relishing the roll as
mother, wife, homemaker, grandmother, and gardener. Using thread, I made
hand embroidered drawing of women from memory and experience on recycled
vintage handkerchief that I collected from antique store in US. The handkerchiefs
had already embroidered around the edge, embodied history of touching
women’s sweats and tears. 100 handkerchiefs are hung on clothesline in the
gallery reminisce laundry day.
I learned embroidery from my grandmother who did not know how to read or
write, like most women of her generation in Korea, but she knew how to express
her impassioned thoughts through her embroidery. I was impressed by her
creativity and using embroidery as her language.
Holding older generation of women’s inheritance on my both hands, appreciating
their hard works under less privileged circumstances, the work responds to
contemporary women’s domestic issues around.